StartupStrides, so no entrepreneur walks alone

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StartupStrides-hi-rezTake strides, so no entrepreneur walks alone.   Even the Surgeon-General recommends it.  StartupStrides keeps startup founders and their companies healthy by helping them socialize with like-minded individuals who may be on a similar journey, by helping them break away from their desks, and often bringing clarity of thought — which keeps their businesses healthy.

 This became one of our favorite side-projects because it addresses a few aspects of every working professional’s life, especially every startup entrepreneur’s life, and aims to make a positive impact, one step at a time. 

It’s cost-effective.  It’s something you can organize and start right away in your own community. Or in a community you are visiting.

We are sure there’s an app for it.

However, there’s another easy way to get your tech fix, make new connections and get your cells recharged.  Add a fascinating tour to your networking-walk. Ask us if you want to add your locality to StartupStrides and join a wider community. The StartupStrides brand and process was licensed by TiE Global, the largest volunteer-led entrepreneurship organization to hold a commemorative run for entrepreneurs held simultaneously in 10 cities in India in 2016 to celebrate TiE’s 25th anniversary.

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