Citizen-Led Coding Clubs

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CoderDojo - LittleBitsSiliconGlades brings expertise in organizing citizen-led projects to build a legacy in a community.  SiliconGlades worked with volunteers in the area to redesign CoderDojo Tampa Bay Area with a federated architecture for scalability and stability.  The program is beginning to change the culture of the city, making coding clubs as cool as Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts.

In February 2016, SiliconGlades began the process of handing over the administration of this uplifting citizen-led program to the public library system to set it on the path of becoming a legacy of the community.  Best practices were shared globally in a checklist on how to launch a coding club, and has been propagated by CoderDojo as a model for emulation by any community with a public library.  Ask us how to create a similar program in your area.

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Citizen-led Initiatives
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